3D Generalist / Compositor

Original – Shiro


Hi all, I’m back again with a new character. She is a remastered version of my old work during my polytechnic days. I couldn’t do a before and after comparison due to the fact that I can’t find her old self. Here’s her biography.Bio

She is Tsuchimikado’s grand daughter and currently taking care of Illya and Reina. After Tsunchimikado’s incident, both Reina and Illya went to look for Shiro who wasn’t that far away from the shop. They are taking shelter there while attending the same school as Shiro. Of course both of them are Shiro’s junior.

I did have the story idea in mind but I couldn’t link the parts together yet. So I wish everyone can give me some time before I upload the story here again.

But I did prepare a video for you guys. The song used in the video is <<Kaze no you ni>> sung by Shimizu Shoto. Hope you guys enjoy.

Brief introduction on Sanae Shiro.

Shiro is a clever girl who excels in her studies and she likes dolphin. However she is scared of boys since she was the only child and took education in girl’s school. The only men she interacted were her dad and grandpa.

Since she’s living along, she tends to prepare meals on her own. Reina always challenges her to a cooking competition after Illya praises Shiro’s cooking.

Shiro is short sighted. She wears contact lens to school. She is also physical weak due to lack of exercising. Do you know why she is lacked of exercising? BECAUSE SHE LIKES TO STUDY. Her aim is become one of the top students and get a internship in government sector to investigate her mum’s death.

The next part will be all the render shots followed by character sheets. Shiro will be in her uniform and pyjamas.

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Throughout this project of creating her, I did used some techniques from the previous projects and trying some new ones too. Both the workflow and rendering results are better. I did receive some comments from my friend that she looks similar to the previous characters. Of course I will try to change my style bit by bit while still maintaining the similarity. But she looks cute, no?

Do look forward to my updated story of Shiro’s and upcoming projects. 🙂